
Wednesday, 23 January 2013


This guy. Ah, man this guy. Snap of my new acquaintance, Nick Meniscus, SF columnist/reviewer/trend-analyzer for NME, Bizzare Magazine and Men's Health. I was reading a book at a convention when he kicks it out of my hands and calls me a 'ink-poisoned trad-pub slave fucking Luddite'. We hit it off from there instantly. He's actually had his flat in Islington made to look like the inside of a Kindle. Nick, in his own words, drinks the future and shits out opinion. Believe.


  1. Replies
    1. Rapidofile. (Aanant says to mention antoine de Caunes, Rapido's presenter. Remember he?)
      I happily admit Barley is an influence (ie- I ripped it off). I try to make Nick his own guy but he always falls into the gravitation of Nathan.
